
Showing posts from January, 2024


According to NASA, water could be the key to finding life. There aren’t many qualities that are true of all life on Earth, but the need for water is one of them. Life is possible on Earth because of water. It’s in all living things, whether they live at the bottom of the ocean or the driest desert. As a result of this, scientists who search for life on other planets think our best bet for finding life is to search for water. And recently, astronomers may have identified a potential planet covered in water! So what is this exoplanet? How were astronomers able to discover it? And most importantly, is it possible there is life on this water planet? The name is Planet TOI-1452 b. It was identified by a team of researchers from the University of Montreal using TESS and the Observatoire du Mont-Mégantic (OMM) observatory, as a ‘super-Earth’ class of planets. The planet is orbiting a binary system of red dwarfs, the end of the line for one of the smallest classes of stars. The pla


One of the basic amenities of life is Shelter. Thus acquiring a home could easily be one of the most important financial decisions or biggest investments one could ever make. Hence adequate diligence is required towards purchasing what would be the right home that meets your needs, budget, and general living. Otherwise, you may find yourself in a financial quagmire that is beyond you.  So, before you punch in those numbers for that home, here are the necessary and important points you must check.  • How much house can you afford?  According to an American personal finance company, Nerdwallet, the 28%/36% rule should be adopted when purchasing a home. This rule dictates that one never spend more than 28% of their monthly gross income on home-related costs and 36% on total debts.  Before you go on that house hunting, make sure to take some time to put into consideration, your daily, monthly, and annual expenses, debts if any, and overall income, because, granted the banks might agree to